Flooring The Consumer Blog | Customer Experience

Customer Loyalty: 5 Marketing Blogs to Follow

Written by Christine B. Whittemore | September 24, 2012

I had a nice surprise when I came across an article from Terrapinn's Total Customer Blog - which focuses on 'Strategy, innovation and ROI for marketing and CRM professionals'. It included a listing of five customer-focused blogs to follow, including Flooring The Consumer

Very cool!

Here's more detail so you can go explore...

Listed in the 5 blogs you should follow in Loyalty Marketing, alongside each's principle [or first listed] writer, are:

Bill Hanifin and Loyalty Truth which focuses on loyalty marketing and customer experience. I enjoyed reading about Multi-tasking, Entitlement are Big Challenges for Marketers and Is Avis Still Trying Harder?


Jill Manser and the Loyalty Blog focus intensely on loyalty programs. The blog offers "fresh ideas for building profitable customer relationships." Check out First Impression Critical for Nurturing Customer Loyalty.


Mila D'Antonio contributes to Think Customers: The 1to1 Blog. I like the emphasis on the customer experience. See Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Digital Customer Experience. Here's an article top-of-mind for many retailers: Turning the Threat of Showrooming Into a Competitive Advantage.


No list dealing with customers and customer loyalty would be complete without Customers Rock! and my friend Becky Carroll whom you may remember from The Hidden Power of Your Customers, Becky Carroll Interview.


Finally, Flooring The Consumer rounds out this list. What a thrill! The description reads: "A slight skew towards the world of women/inbound marketing from “Chief Simplifier” CB Whittemore.


Which customer experience or loyalty blogs do you follow?