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Why Get Found Online With Blogs vs. Facebook or Twitter?

Written by Christine B. Whittemore | December 13, 2011

How do you respond to 'why get found online with blogs vs. Facebook or Twitter?' I say because blogs consistently deliver business results. They generate traffic - assuming regular publishing of quality content - for websites. They show up in search engine results. Blog articles also make for great content to share on Facebook and Twitter [and LinkedIn, too]...

That's not to say that Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn should be ignored. Oh, no. Social Networks play an important role in improving a business' online visibility!

However, they are most effective when integrated into an overall online marketing plan centered on a website and blog, and focused on generating remarkable content that potential online visitors want to engage with because of its value to them. Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn - thanks to the networks you have developed there - help get the word out about your remarkable content. Without that integration, though, they don't work as hard on your behalf as a blog does.

•    Tweets, although searchable, only last approximately 2 weeks and are not sources of long-term digital visibility.

•    Facebook is a third-party application; its fan visibility algorithm changes frequently. Furthermore, Facebook owns all content published. [To be monitored is Facebook Commerce.]

•    LinkedIn reflects the professional existence of individuals and organizations. Despite Group interactions, Answers, and the new company profile options, it is not an end in itself.

Finally, think of the online search process. How does it begin? With a search term at a search window - for the most part.  The more content is indexed by Google search, the more likely prospects are to come across a company's freshly published and hugely relevant [blog] content.  Why? Because the best tool for creating indexable content is a blog that is professionally optimized for discovery, and which makes timely and permanently searchable information available.

Interestingly, according to Blogging wins - again..!, although blogging is the most effective means to getting found online and attracting new business leads, "only one in three businesses take part in blogging" and 15 Fascinating Statistics from Marketing Grader Data shares that only 14% of companies having graded themselves using the new marketing grader have a blog.

Do you have a company blog? How has it helped you get found online?

What about Facebook and Twitter? How are you using them vs. blogs?

Have you come across examples that support a Facebook or Twitter only approach for getting found online?