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Off to INBOUND 2014 for Content and Inbound Marketing Inspiration

Written by Christine B. Whittemore | September 14, 2014

I'm headed to Boston for the yearly inbound marketing conference sponsored by HubSpot. This is my 4th INBOUND Conference and each year it gets bigger and better and the challenge becomes how to share it all! (Here I am At INBOUND 12: Ready to Absorb Inbound Marketing Insights!)

From past INBOUNDs, I can absolutely guarantee you intense marketing inspiration, HubSpot product announcements, valuable marketing best practices and the opportunity to connect with savvy marketing friends.

1. INBOUND offers intense marketing inspiration.

This year, we'll hear from Simon Sinek, Malcolm Gladwell, Martha Stewart and many more.

In past years, David Meerman Scott, Susan Cain, Cyndi Lauper and Arianna Huffington, Nate Silver, Seth Godin, Rand Fishkin, and many others have shared inspiration. 

Here are links to some of the articles I've written about that:

>> David Meerman Scott Talks Content and Inbound Marketing

>> Connecting With Customers: Guy Kawasaki vs. Gary Vaynerchuk

>> Dan Heath in Switch, Climbing Out, Social Media and Change: Bathroom Blogfest 2011


2. INBOUND will surprise with HubSpot product announcements!

Inevitably, INBOUND is about hearing what's new from a HubSpot product perspective. Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah do an outstanding job looking back while presenting a vision forward for marketers that we can't wait to start implementing.

>> What's New from INBOUND 12: HubSpot 3, Inbound Marketing Wisdom


3. Learn INBOUND Marketing Best Practices

What I particulaly enjoy is hearing success stories and inbound and content marketing best practices from experts. For example,

>> How To Create Email Marketing Customers Welcome? Show Respect!


>> How To Create a Home Page That Connects With Customers: 3 Guidelines

>> From INBOUND 2013, How To Get Started With Inbound Marketing (Priceless video!)


4. Connecting with INBOUND Friends!

What makes inbound marketing so effective is that it's about caring passionately for your customers and creating intense value for them. INBOUND 2014 brings together the kinds of marketers who truly care about creating marketing that people love. In other words, it's a get together of wonderful kindred spirits.


Any chance you'll be there? Please let me know so we can compare notes!