Simple Marketing Now's Christine B. Whittemore speaks regularly with groups large and small. Her topics range from:
She routinely customizes presentations based on interviews
with audience participants to make the content that much more relevant to those listening.
The audiences consist of industry leaders, professionals, manufacturers, retailers, and retail salespeople, designers, builders, marketers, and managers from the home furnishings industry [residential upholstered furniture, floor covering] and other industries.
Their numbers vary from 5 to 500.
If you would like for Ms. Whittemore to speak at your event, simply contact her for more information via email - cbwhittemore@simplemarketingnow .com - or phone - 973-283-2424.
Here follow details of the formal presentations delivered.
2/23/22 - How to Make Social Media Work for Your Business during the Landscape New Jersey Trade Show and Conference sponsored by the New Jersey Landscape Contractors Association (NJLCA) at the Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus, NJ.
1/25/19 - Ask Me Anything About Blogging for Business in Flooring during The International Surface Event 2019, held January 22-25 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV.
1/18/17 - The Top Ten Social Media Trends for 2017 during The International Surface Event 2017, held January 17-20 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV. See What’s Behind the Top 10 Social Media Trends of 2017? Digital Change for perspective
9/12/16 - "A Social Media Listening Strategy to Build & Protect Your Brand" during the DigitalSummit FocusOn: Social virtual event
4/18/16 - "Online Visual Success with Houzz, Instagram and Pinterest" with Arpi Nalbandian at Coverings 2016 in Chicago, IL.
>> See Make Sense of Houzz, Instagram, and Pinterest for the Tile Industry during Coverings 2016 Session for more details.
1/21/16 - "How to Improve Your Website & Online Marketing with Web Analytics" during TISE West 2016 in Las Vegas, NV.
1/20/16 - "What’s A Hashtag And Why Should You Care?" in the Trends Hub on the TISE West show floor in Las Vegas, NV.
1/20/16 - "The Top Social Media Trends That Will Dominate 2016" during TISE West 2016 in Las Vegas, NV.
>> See Learn How To Make Online Marketing Work For You At The International Surface Event 2016 for more details.
4/16/15 - A panel discussion titled “Social Media in the Stone Industry Forum” with Jared Baker, VP Marketing for Walker Zanger, and moderated by Sarah Kelly, managing director of MKG Department at Coverings 2015.
4/15/15 - "Image is Everything! How Houzz and Pinterest Steer Clients to Your Tile/Stone Business: A Case Study and Guide for Visual Online and Social Success" with Arpi Nalbandian at Coverings 2015 in Orlando, FL.
>> See Christine B. Whittemore Speaks at Coverings 2015 on Visual and Social Media Best Practices for details.
3/15/15: MarketingProfs Video Tutorial Take 10: How to Create a Social Media Listening Strategy
1/21/15 - Get Found Online! Tips for Making Your Website More Visible during TISE West 2015 in Las Vegas, NV
1/21/15 - TISE West 2015 Show Floor presentations in Social Media Hub:
1/20/15 - Social Media Interactive Workshop I: Using Social Media to Support Your Business and Social Media Interactive Workshop II: How to Get the Results You Want during TISE West 2015 Education Day Program.
>> See ‘Get Found Online’ Focus of C.B. Whittemore’s Presentations at The International Surface Event for details.
10/17/14 - "Benchmarking Websites, Blogging & Monitoring Your Presence Online with Crossville as Example," Dolphin Splash Retail Selling Advantage conference for tile retailers and distributors, Nashville, TN
5/6/14 - "Success Online With Crossville," dealer webinar with Crossville, Inc.
1/28/14 - "Business Blogging Best Practices" and "Ten Tips for Digital Visibility" during Surfaces 2014 in Social Media Hub
1/27/14 - Social Media Bootcamp I, II, and III during Surfaces 2014 in Las Vegas, NV
1/21/14 - "Connecting With Customers: How Social Relates to Sales," Cosentino 100, Puerto Vallarta
11/20/13 - Transforming Your Website into a 24/7 Social Sales Associate: Website + Social Media + Store to Drive More Tile Sales, Crossville Inc.'s Retail Selling Advantage 2012 conference for tile retailers and distributors, Nashville, TN
10/3/13 - Connecting With Customers: How Social Relates to Sales, International Window Coverings Exchange, Burlington, VT
9/20/13 - MarketingProfs Video Tutorial Take 10: How to Create Goals in Google Analytics
5/1/13 - Selling Tile: the Internet, the Industry & the Consumer, Coverings 2013, Atlanta, GA
2/27/13 - Making Your Website Your Most Effective Marketing Tool, Crossville Inc.'s Executive Management Conference, Fort Lauderdale, FL
1/29/13 - Stores That Floor: Marketing to the Coveted Female Consumer, Surfaces 2013
1/28/13 - Social Media in Action: Retailers Share Best Practices for Connecting with Customers, Surfaces 2013
1/28/13 - Social Media: How-To for Business with Sarah Kelly, Surfaces 2013
10/17/12 - Being Social In-Store and Online: Marketing Tips for Selling at Retail, Crossville Inc.'s Retail Selling Advantage 2012 conference for tile retailers and distributors, Nashville, TN
10/11-12 - Kinnelon Borough Council, presentation detailing results of discovery and proposed recommendations to turnaround Kinnelon Library financial deficit. See Staff Cuts Considered for Kinnelon Library in Patch.
6/14/12 - Content Curation: Making Meaning Out of Chaos, Info360 2012, New York, NY
6/2/12 - National Tile Contractors Association 5 Star Annual Meeting, Crossville, TN, a presentation titled Marketing of Tile Installations: Effective Promotion in Today’s Market and moderated NTCA Five-Star Contractor Marketing Forum panel discussion
5/14/12 - The role of Social Media and Natural Buzz. Why online conversations matter?, Natural Beauty Summit America 2012, New York, NY
4/20/12 - “Practical Marketing for Small Businesses: Strengthen Your Website, Get Found & Connect With Customers”, Coverings 2012, Orlando, FL
4/18/12 - What Makes For An Effective Online Presence?, Coverings Central, Coverings 2012, Orlando, FL
4/17/12 - “The Web is Your Best Marketing Tool", a presentation and panel discussion featuring National Tile Contractors Association (NTCA) executive director, Bart Bettiga, Wirtz Quality Installations, Inc. president, Amber Fox, Welch Tile and Marble Company president, Dan Welch, and David Allen Company, Inc. vice president, Martin Howard, moderated by Christine B. Whittemore. Coverings 2012, Orlando FL
3/16/12 - MarketingProfs Video Tutorial Take 10: Using Email to Nurture Your Leads on a Budget
3/1/12 - Social Media: What Works & What Doesn’t, Crossville Inc.'s Commercial Advantage 2012 conference for Architecture & Design distributors and sales representatives
1/24/12 - “Improving Your Digital Visibility to Better Connect with Customers”, Surfaces, Las Vegas, NV
1/23/12 - “Social Media: How To For Business” a three-hour workshop led by Sarah B. Johnson, managing director, MKG Department, and Christine B. Whittemore.
1/13/12 - MarketingProfs Video Tutorial Take 10: How to Create a Lead Generation Form in MailChimp
12/16/11 - MarketingProfs Video Tutorial Take 10: How to Create a Simple Lead Generation Form in Google Docs
10/25/11 - Columbia Business School and Social Media, Uris Hall, Columbia University, NYC
7/20/11 - Social Media Series at the Kinnelon Public Library: Facebook and Twitter, Kinnelon, NJ
9/23/11 - "Getting Found Online", video presentation for Business Growth Summit, a free online event featuring leading business strategy experts, which took place September 12 through 23, 2011.
7/13/11 - Social Media Series at the Kinnelon Public Library: Blogging and LinkedIn, Kinnelon, NJ
7/6/11 - Social Media Series at the Kinnelon Public Library: Overview, Kinnelon, NJ
6/14/11 - MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2011, Boston, MA: Generating Lower Cost Leads With Social Media
6/4/11 - National Tile Contractor's Association Annual Meeting, Crossville, TN: The Web is Your Best Marketing Tool and moderated NTCA Five-Star Contractor Marketing Forum panel discussion
5/10/11 - New Jersey Chapter of the American Marketing Association, Whippany, NJ: 'How To Manage Your Company’s Reputation in a Social World'
4/4/11 - New York Law School, half-day lecture series conference entitled “Advertising & Media Law ‘Spring Rush’: Are YOU In?”, New York, NY
3/28/11 - FCA Network Annual Convention, Chicago, IL: Reaching Women Customers and Social Media 101
3/17/11 - Coverings 2011, Las Vegas, NV: Connecting with Customers Online & Offline: Business Survival Guide
3/16/11 - Coverings 2011, Las Vegas, NV: Practical Marketing for Small Businesses: Improving Your Digital Visibility
[Note: For release about Coverings 2011 presentations, see Practical Marketing & Business Survival guide to be Highlighted at Coverings 11]
3/10/11 - MarketingProfs online seminar: Managing Your Reputation in a Social World
1/26/11 - Surfaces 2011, Las Vegas, NV: Marketing to the Ultimate Power Consumer: WOMEN
1/25/11 - Surfaces 2011, Las Vegas, NV: Social Media 101
1/24/11 - Surfaces 2011, Las Vegas, NV: The Basics of Competitive Marketing
[Note: For release about Surfaces 2011 presentations, see Whittemore Surfaces 2011 Sessions Focus on Connecting with Customers]
9/11/10 - Canada Nufloors Group, Kelowna, BC: "Retail Hospitality or Customer Service Before, During, and After the Sale"
5/25/10 - Social Media Club North Jersey, Secaucus, NJ: "I love you. I hate you. Customer Feedback in a Social World"
5/12/10 - Right Management, Parsippany, NJ: "Simplifying Social Media. For Research, Connection & Differentiation"
4/30/10 - Coverings 2010, Orlando, FL: "Marketing In a Recession 101"
4/28/10 - The Luxury Marketing Council Orlando, Orlando, FL: "Flooring The Consumer: Developing Community & Delivering Wow!"
2/2/10 - Surfaces 2010, Las Vegas, NV: "Social Media 101"
2/1/10 - Surfaces 2010, Las Vegas, NV: "Marketing In a Recession 101"
1/23/10 - Big Bog's Flooring Outlet Annual Convention, Chattanooga, TN: "Flooring The Consumer: In-Store and Online"
7/14/09 - Right Management, Parsippany, NJ: Practical Social Media Knowledge
4/17/09 - ExecuNet Meeting, Parsippany, NJ: see "Blogs are now mainstream media."
3/27/09 - ExecuNet Meeting, Westchester, NY: A Social Media Primer
2/4/09 - Surfaces 09, Las Vegas, NV: Your Customer's Experience - What Is It Costing You? and announced in this press release: Wear-Dated® Surfaces 2009 Seminar Asks Retailers "Your Customer’s Experience: How Much Is It Costing You?”
11/19/08 - Jack Laurie Floors, Fort Wayne, IN: Color Me Beautiful, Let Color Be Your Guide to Sales Success.
11/12 & 13/08 - The WSFCA monthly dinner meetings in Seattle, WA, and Spokane, WA, How To Improve Your Retail Shopping Experience announced in Wear-Dated® Presents Seminar for Washington State FCA and promoted in WSFCA's Newsletter.
11/11/08 - Associated, Seattle WA: Color Me Beautiful, Let Color Be Your Guide to Sales Success.
9/17/08 - Atlanta Flooring Design Center, Suwanee, GA, What Your Register Tape Doesn't Tell You and announced in Wear-Dated® Presents Seminar at Atlanta Flooring Design Center.
7/30/08 - Avalon Carpet Tile and Flooring, Cherry Hill, NJ: What Women Want... Women Get.
7/22/08 - Carpet One Floor & Home, Summer Convention Education Day, Nashville, TN: Color Me Beautiful, Let Color Be Your Guide to Sales Success and announced in Wear-Dated® Adds Color to Carpet One Convention.
2/1/08 - Surfaces 08: What Your Register Tape Doesn't Tell You and announced in Wear-Dated® Seminar Focuses on “What Your Register Tape Doesn’t Tell You.”
4/24/07: Carpet Exchange, Denver Colorado: Trading Up With Carpet, Truly A New Luxury Good and Wear-Dated Fiber Fundamentals [3 sessions of each].
3/7/07: Flooring America/Flooring Canada Winter Convention Retail Sales Professional Education Day in Anaheim, CA: What Women Want... Women Get. Announced in Wear-Dated® Seminar Focuses on Engaging Women Consumers.
2/10/07: Mohawk ColorCenter Convention, Nashville, TN: Why Amazing Shopping Experiences Matter
2/9/07: Surfaces 07, Las Vegas, NV: Why Amazing Shopping Experiences Matter. Announced in Wear-Dated® Seminar to Discuss "Why Amazing Shopping Experiences Matter"
2/7/07: Carpeteria, Las Vegas, NV: Why Amazing Shopping Experiences Matter
7/24/07: Avalon Carpet Tile and Flooring, Cherry Hill, NJ: What Is Blue? color presentation.
8/17/06 - FloorExpo Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Aug. 17: “Marketing to Women – It’s a Business Thing.”
7/11/06 - Advance Carpet One sales meeting, St. Louis, MO: “What Woman Want… Women Get."
5/11/06 - Rufus Ashby Flooring America, Tampa FL, “Marketing to Women – It’s a Business Thing.”
5/11/06 - The Mercedes Design Center, Tampa FL, in conjunction with Mohawk, “Marketing to Women – It’s a Business Thing.”
3/9/06 - Flooring America Winter Convention, Anaheim, CA, March 9 [2 sessions]: “What Woman Want… Women Get and described in Wear-Dated® & Flooring America / Flooring Canada Convention Seminar Focuses on Engaging Women Consumers.
1/31/06 - Surfaces 2006, Las Vegas, NV: “Appealing to Different Consumer Segments by Creating Amazing Buying Experiences,” a three-hour workshop described in Wear-Dated® Workshop Focuses on "Amazing Buying Experiences" During Surfaces 2006.
Nov. 2005 - Wear-Dated National Sales Meeting, Pensacola, FL: “Trading Up – Carpet, Truly a New Luxury Good” and “Marketing to Women – It’s a Business Thing” - multiple sessions.
Oct. 2005 - The L&L Company Annual Wear-Dated Conference, Annapolis, MD: “Trading Up – Carpet, Truly a New Luxury Good.”
Sept. 2005 -Worldwide Wholesale Annual Sales Meeting, Princeton, NJ: “Marketing to Women – It’s a Business Thing.”
Sept. 2005 - Shaw/Wear-Dated Eastern Region Sales Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ: “Marketing to Women – It’s a Business Thing.”
Aug. 2005 - Georgia Carpet Industries, Kennesaw, GA: “Marketing to Women – It’s a Business Thing.”
Aug. 2005 - Carpets of Dalton, Dalton, GA: “Marketing to Women – It’s a Business Thing.”
Aug. 2005 - Beckler’s Carpet, Dalton, GA: “Marketing to Women – It’s a Business Thing.”
June 2005 - Wayne Wiles Floor Coverings, Wear-Dated Sales Meeting, Fort Myers, FL: “Marketing to Women – It’s a Business Thing.”
June 2005 - Design Center Solutions East Coast Conference, Miami, FL: “Marketing to Women – It’s a Business Thing.”
June 2005 - Einstein-Moomjy Annual Sales Meeting, Saddlebrook, NJ: “Marketing to Women – It’s a Business Thing.”
Jan. 2005 - Mohawk, ColorCenter Convention, Nashville, TN: “Marketing to Women – It’s a Business Thing.”
Dec. 2004 - Mohawk Floorscapes Convention, San Francisco, CA: Marketing to women/Its'a Business Thing.
Feb. 2004 - Wear-Dated Upholstery Fabrics yearly summit for key furniture retailers, manufacturers, and fabric mills about the importance of change in the residential upholstery marketplace, Phoenix, AZ: "Expert to Expert: How to Make the Best Better/What Does It Take to Satisfy Today and Tomorrow's Consumer?" keynote address and presentation with Michael Payne.
Feb. 2004 -Surfaces 2004, Las Vegas, NV: participated in CRI panel discussion about consumer trends, consisting of individual presentation about consumer trends information [purchasing habits, marketing to women, product and color trends] and then Q&A.
Jan. 2003 - Wear-Dated Upholstery Fabrics yearly industry summit, Kaua'i, HI: "Expert to Expert: Romancing The Consumer" keynote presentation.
Jan. 2002 - Wear-Dated Upholstery Fabrics yearly industry summit, Puerto Vallarta, MX: "Make It Yours" keynote presentation.
Jan. 2001 - Wear-Dated Upholstery Fabrics yearly industry summit, Paradise Island, Bahamas: "Simply The Best" keynote presentation.
Jan. 2000 - Wear-Dated Upholstery Fabrics yearly industry summit, Syndey, Australia: "Walk In Her Shoes" keynote address and presentation with JC Penney's Robert S. Price and Kathy Wall [formerly with Klaussner].
Jan. 1999 - Wear-Dated Upholstery Fabrics yearly industry summit, Maui, HI: "The 85% Solution" keynote address and presentation with La-Z-Boy's John Case and Domain's Judy George.
Jan. 1998 - Wear-Dated Upholstery Fabrics yearly industry summit, Oahu, HI: "The Future's So Bright" keynote address.