In addition to How Website Analytics Helps Your Business, I will be reviewing the top social media trends of 2016 and their effect on business during The International Surface Event in Las Vegas.
My session is titled "The Top Social Media Trends That Will Dominate 2016" and takes place on January 20th from 3:45 to 5:15pm.
Social media isn't going away.
What's important for business is to understand how it affects the lives of our customers. For that reason, I've structured the presentation so as to explore 6 social networking trends first from the perspective of the consumer and then in terms of what these trends mean for business.
As I noticed firsthand when documenting Social Media Networks Roundup: Which Ones Matter to You?, how people use social media has changed since the tools were first introduced. Those changes are opportunities for thoughtful businesses.
Official Description forThe Top Social Media Trends That Will Dominate 2016:
Wondering what’s hot and what’s not in social media? Still on the fence about social networking for your business? Confused about how Pinterest, Houzz or Instagram can help you generate business? Not sure why you should ask customers for Yelp and Google+ Local reviews?
Attend this session to get the lowdown on what’s happening socially online and what you need to do to keep your business on the forefront of customers’ minds in 2016.
The Session's Learning Objectives:
- Identify how social media is evolving
- Discuss the implications of social networking for your business
- Implement strategies to use social networking to reach new customers
- Recognize which social media trends/platforms will bring your company the biggest return in 2016
What Are The Top Social Trends of 2016?
I've identified 6 that I will focus on:
- Social Networks = Mass Media
- People Crave a Fluid Digital Experience
- Mobile Is a Must
- Visual: Images Are Worth 1000 Words
- Intense Competition for Attention
- Social Networking Affects…
I'll examine these six trends first from a consumer perspective and then look at how businesses can deal with these trends.
This session will be interactive. I'm interested to hear what social trends session participants have noticed developing in their markets and how they're reacting. Depending on whether you're in a rural vs. an urban setting, or dealing with local customers vs. ones from around the country, you may notice these trends progressing at a different speed.
Resource List For 6 Social Media Trends and How They Will Affect Business in 2016:
As you might imagine, this is a rich topic and I've come across many interesting articles exploring social networking trends. I've listed them below starting with my favorite resource, Mary Meeker's 2015 State of the Internet Presentation.
- Slide 8 - the impact of the Internet is just beginning
- Slide 16 - print remains over-indexed vs. time spent
- Slides 28 through 45 - computing is changing business processes
- Slides 46 through 56 - messaging services are evolving into cross-platform communications hubs
- Slides 57 through 74 - content is evolving: user-generated, just-in-time and curated
- Slides 75 through 80 - innovation in highest consumer spend categories (housing, transportation, food)
- Slides 90 through 103 - how the work environment is evolving
- Slides 104 through 114 - how people have changed
- Slides 115 through 118 - how connectivity has changed
Other Resources
- Social Media Usage: 2005-2015
- Social Networking Fact Sheet
- So Which Ad-Blocking Parasite Are You Going To Go After, The Consumer or The Tech Company?
- Email Marketers Move to Cross-Channel, Real-Time Communication
Trends and Predictions for 2016
- Hotties: Trends Rocking Content Marketing in 2015
- SMBs Get More Mobile
- The Top 7 Social Media Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2016
- Top 3 Digital Marketing Trends for 2016 (Which You Should Be Starting in 2015)
- The Top 10 Marketing Trends That Will Define 2016
- 5 Social Media Marketing Trends to Watch For in 2016
- 5 Trends Reshaping Social Media
- Five Hot Trends in Social Media for Businesses
- Top Social Media Trends to Watch for 2016
- Imagine There's No Marketing.. "It's Easy If You Try"
- Trends for 2016: Six Predictions for What Will Happen
- The Future of Social Media: 5 Predictions for 2016
- 5 Trends That Will Change How Companies Use Social Media in 2016
Articles Specific To A Few Social Networks
- Pinterest: In-Store Mobile Shoppers' Little Helper
- Adding fuel to the fire: How important is Facebook?
- What Every Marketer Needs to Know About Instagram
- 7 Surprisingly Successful Brands on Instagram
- Which Brands Are Taking Advantage of Instagram
- 5 Benefits of Instagram For Your Business
- How To Get Online Review For Your Business
Mobile Marketing Resources
How Will Your Business Be Affected By These Digital Social Trends?
Yes, these are interesting times with plenty of change and lots of shiny new social tools. These are also times filled with many interesting opportunities for businesses wanting to connect with their customers. Are you ready to explore?
I hope you'll join me for this session during TISE 2016 which takes place on January 20th, 2016. To attend, be sure to include IGNITE Education with your registration!