I'm so proud!
BuyerZone has just published its list of The 20 Best Business Marketing Blogs of 2012 and Flooring The Consumer is included in postion #7!
Here is the complete list of the BuyerZone Best of the Blogs 2012. I am in amazing company and delighted to be listed alongside several dear marketing blog friends!
1. Lee Odden for TopRank Online Marketing Blog
2. Shawn Collins for Affiliate Tip
3. Ann Handley for MarketingProfs Daily Fix
4. Drew McLellan for Drew's Marketing Minute
5. Tara Jacobsen for Marketing Artfully
6. Christina Kerley for CK's (B2B) Blog
7. Flooring The Consumer
8. Derek Johnson for Tatango SMS Marketing Blog
9. Matt West for The Genius Blog
10. Michael Brenner for B2B Marketing Insider
11. Dan Garfield for Orange Soda Internet Marketing Blog
12. Brian DeKoning for Vital Design Blog
13. Carol Flammer for mRelevance Blog
14. David Fortino for BlogNotions Marketer Blog