I wish you, your friends and families a most wonderful Thanksgiving on behalf of all of us at Simple Marketing Now!
In anticipation of the holiday, I re-visited some of the past Thanksgiving articles I've written and came across several highlights that I thought you might enjoy.
Curious about Wild Turkeys?
From Kinnelon Critter File: Wild Turkeys (written in 2008!), interesting details about Wild Turkeys:
Did you know that Wild Turkeys are native to North America? And that in the early 1900s the turkey population was as low as 30,000. Today, it is closer to 7 million birds.
Wild turkeys are omnivores, occasionally eating frogs and snakes.
If you are fascinated with wild turkeys, check out Cornell University's All About Birds: Wild Turkey summary which includes a recording of turkey calls.
Did you know that Benjamin Franklin wished the Turkey were the national bird over the eagle? He considered turkeys more noble...
Note: if you do come across a wild turkey (we have one lurking around our church), make sure the turkey can't see its reflection! See Wild turkey trashes New Jersey home, causes up to $7,000 in damage.
Curious About Thanksgiving?
From Happy Thanksgiving! written in 2007, here's a link to The History Channel's History of Thanksgiving site. (There's also a sweet video of my daughter when she was about 6 saying thanks.)
I recommend to you my all time favorite Thanksgiving story by Art Buchwald.
Happy Thanksgiving from Simple Marketing Now!
What do you have planned for Thanksgiving? How will you celebrate?
Many thanks for reading this blog. I wish you a wonderful holiday.