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100+ Case Studies: Social Media Marketing Examples

Posted by Christine B. Whittemore on September 19, 2011

This is a 15 minute read.

collage-of-clothing-tags_t20_n9mVp4I love coming across examples and case studies of companies using social media in their marketing. In fact, I've been including links to articles about such brands and companies in the weekly #PracticalMktr Twitter roundup blogpost and have 100+ examples to share with you.

[Added 9/17/2012: check out 200+ Case Studies: Social Media and Content Marketing Examples for more examples and case studies!]

I realize that there's more here than anyone can digest in one sitting. At the same time, there's nothing more frustrating than trying to find examples and case studies of social media marketing being used successfully and coming up empty handed.  Consider this, then, a resource or reference for ideas about brands being practical with social media -- to which I will periodically post updates. Note that I've organized the references into categories...

Associations Using Social Media

National Sleep Foundation has conducted research via social media.

National Assn of Realtors used social media to take convention to bigger audience 

After Haiti, the Red Cross harnessed the communication power of social media.

Salvation Army took bell ringing online this holiday 


Consumer Brands and Social Media

Aunt Jemima embraces social media & using employees

CocaCola's social media project includes local angles fr AdAge

FastCo Design: Best Buy, Ford, CBS, Pepsi, P&G/Old Spice social media is Real, legitimate, where peeps R

How Conagra's brands build online communities

Advice from Graco on how to use social media during a product recall

Mrs. Meyer's cleaning products "unify, simplify, amplify" -

How Golfsmith measures social ROI/hard, soft impact

Tupperware to increase its social media presence per NYT:

Learnings from Kodak on H2 apply social media to B2B based on B2C experience; Insights fr @BethLaPierre Kodak Chief Listening Officer   

Imagine the power of constraints on yr biz. How LEGO revived its brand; How LEGO supports growing network of fans:; Details on LEGO: fr toy company to multi-media brand

Social media marketing success story fr @lionbrandyarn via @JasonFalls

Ravelry, the social network for knitters -Note what makes it successful

Orabrush on YouTube Per WSJ, social media = reason for stardom

Colgate Smile campaign combines user generated media via facebook photos, outdoor advertising

Mattel: Ken is turning 50 and doing social media:

Recruit and raise awareness; Reckitt Benckiser's new branded social game.

From Silly Bandz to Crocs, neat insights re: prolonging shelf life of fads fr Wharton

A marketing product success story: the vuvuzela "novelty, simplicity and local ingenuity


Social Media in Education

Social media finds place in classroom [and in NJ no less :-)]


Entertainment Brands and Social Media

Cirque du Soleil connects with fans via social media

Conan O'Brien totally reinvented via Social Media

12 ways to keep creating like Coldplay - insights 

Brilliant use of user-generated content to strengthen Disney brand and magic 

Power of Twitter: making 400 year old theater come alive C Moliere Goes Twitter


Financial Services and Social Media

How to integrate social media from First Direct - a Bank!

How H&R Block use social media to help customers thru tax season stress

Advice fr TurboTax's chelsea marti re: using Twitter, becoming service all-star

Morgan Stanley testing social media interaction with clients

Here's how Northwestern Mutual is using Social Media 2 'provide financial security over a lifetime" 

I'm excited about having Square set up:


Government and Social Media

Social media & government: tapping quora for eDemocracy experiment 

NASA and social media. Wow!

Social media = key way for IRS to reach taxpayer audience

Social media used in Newark, NJ during blizzard emergency fr @CoryBooker

Obama & Foursquare: Coming election will be very interesting for continued social media evolution

Everything begins with listening! Fr @FastCompany - Social Democracy: White House Learns to Listen

Interesting use of blogs for internal Army Corps of Engineers communications

US Army social media handbook 2011


Healthcare and Social Media

Advice on making QR codes useful. Example: hospitals

Social media applies to healthcare. Interview w @DanaMLewis


Social Media and Home, Building Related Products

BuildDirect's @RobertBanks on being included in Mashable's how 12 CEOs & Founders use web video


Hospitality and Social Media

Fascinating glimpse into how Roger Smith hotel uses social media to engage with visitors

Social Media Skiing: Vail Combines Facebook, Gowalla, Nike+ 4 Better Experience


Legal Brands and Social Media

Wow! Social media tweaks defense strategy in Casey Anthony trial


Museums, Libraries and Social Media

Ck out Monterey Bay Aquarium integrated ad campaign "Share the Love" refers to Call To Axn

How social media adds dimension to the museum experience

5 ways museums R reaching digital audiences

Using social media to design a library under short deadlines:


Pharmaceuticals Brands Do Social Media

Big Pharma becomes immersed socially, successfully! Eli Lilly & Lilypad blog [Note: you need access to Ragan to read entire article.]


Publishing and Social Media

The New Rules for Branding your biz online fr Inc. Mag 

Practical QR code wisdom fr #CMI

Publishing model turned upside down? Twitter helps unfinished book hit #1 fr WSJ

Publishing without publishers aka the Magalog fr NYT

How the White Pages are harnessing hyperlocal and mobile:

4 Social Media lessons fr book publishing 

Download Inbound Marketing 101 to get Found Online!

Real Estate Brands and Social Media

Enjoyed this interview w @Century 21 Bev Thorne re: using social media to connect with home buyers

Advice in Social Real Estate Goes To Stars w/Katrina Campins


Religion and Social Media

Bishops urged to embrace social media to evangelize effectively 

Interesting discussion online/offline RT @David_Rogers: Pastor: Don't Give Up #SocialMedia For Lent [NPR]


Retail Brands Using Social Media

Best Buy plans to expand Twelforce beyond Twitter to Facebook where more people hang out 

Amazon, Best Buy, Dell among top social brands + 4 phases of social commerce development fr Altimeter

FastCo Design: Best Buy, Ford, CBS, Pepsi, P&G/Old Spice social media is Real, legitimate, where peeps R

How 1-800 Flowers uses Facebook to engage w customers 

How restaurants use Twitter including Chipotle

Example of @sandy_carter Social Business: Domino's. Uses social media to reinvent company; Intense @Ramon_Deleon from Domino's Twitter axn in: & Tulsa social media info fr @partyaficionado Listen, interact, B real

MacDonald's is engaging employees around globe socially 

Betsey Johnson debuts Facebook Places campaign 

How @OscarPRGirl engages via Twitter for Oscar de la Renta

Check out @MissMisc post on Boutique Point G & how they used social media to build their biz.

Eileen Fisher interview. Love the simplicity of vision and execution

What's yr take on TwitterFashionweek site ? For b/ground:

How Home Depot is integrating social media with social sales rep. Brilliant!

Fascinating blow-by-blow report on Home Depot v. Jetblue engaging customers on FB

Elf alert! Macy's unleashes 10k elves around country. Find 1; remake it. Daily clues on Facebook, Twitter

How Radio Shack uses Foursquare:

@WholeFoods Marla Erwin is wonderfully wise: 6 ways to avoid social media catastrophe; Whole Foods and social media: to educate, interact, keep brand, culture fresh:


Social Activism

How Greenpeace uses social media to promote rainforest agenda with Mattel:


Social Media and Sports Brands

Way cool! Rules of engagement from NBA social media war room 


Technology and Social Media

How blackberry used video to engage NHL sports loving young men 

Interview w/ Joe Fernandez about Klout influence scores

Skype launches @skype4business

"Build social DNA into every employee" Interview with SAP’s social media director

Learn fr Intel's wise @Ekaterina who shares what small businesses can learn from social media; Inside Intel's FB attack strategy. Wisdom from @ekaterina during SxSW panel

20 min video re: how HP created its social media center of excellence

Perspective on IBM, social business & future:

Google project oxygen on h2 become a better manager [note reg may b requ'd]; Geolocation is getting interesting! Google unveils Hotpot, reco engine for Google Places

Why we have too few women leaders @TEDWomen talk w Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg 

Facebook case study "Officer Ludwig

LinkedIn continues to evolve per FastCo. Becoming mo like Facebook?


Transportation Brands and Social Media

Real world example: how Delta connected social media and customer service

Delta monitors Twitter to address customer complaints 

Blow-by-blow report on Home Depot v. Jetblue engaging customers on FB #practicalmktr

H2 hail a London cabbie using @tweetalondoncab

Using social media to humanize your brand #practicalmktr advice from Boeing

How Ford blends digital with branded content - interview w Scott Kelly 

Interview w/ Fords @ScottMonty

FastCo Design: Best Buy, Ford, CBS, Pepsi, P&G/Old Spice social media is Real, legitimate, where peeps R


TV Programs and Social Media

How to meld TV program w social media: Anthony Bourdain @NoReservation

Lessons from Iron Chef [a favorite :-)]. Here for PR:

5 Social Media learnings inspired by 'Jersey Shore

Marvelous descptn of 5 lessons marketers can learn from Mr. Rogers by @Sam_Ford


What's your reaction to all of these examples? How might you use them in your conversations about social media marketing? I'd love to hear.

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Topics: B2B Social Media, brand marketing, Digital Marketing

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